Supporting PDDBM is an investment in empowering African American/Black communities, particularly children of color, through education, opportunity, and cultural enrichment. Your generous donations sustain our mission of "Empowering Lives, Building Equity," breaking barriers for a brighter future. Due to Wix limitations, preset donation amounts are provided, but you can visit our Square site for custom amounts: Choose a donation type aligning with your interests, and join us in fostering empowerment, education, and equity in Clark County, WA. Your support fuels transformative initiatives, scholarships, and programs, making a tangible impact on lives. Thank you for investing in positive change with PDDBM.
Fueling Change
PDDBM offers diverse programs fostering equity and skill development. The Start-to-Finish Short Film Program empowers middle and high schoolers to create and produce short films, earning IMDb credits. It spans a school year, offering a stipend and public film screenings. The Fashion Design Program nurtures creativity, showcasing student designs at PDDBM events. Meanwhile, the Journalism initiative, PROUD magazine, empowers students by teaching marketing, editorial, and photography skills, amplifying their voices while highlighting PDDBM's mission. These programs aim to inspire, empower, and equip the next generation with invaluable skills and opportunities.
Empowering Lives, Building Equity: PDDBM commits to championing the advancement and prosperity of African American/Black communities, particularly children of color, through dedicated efforts in education, opportunity, and cultural enrichment. Rooted in the principles of equity, PDDBM strives to break barriers and redefine narratives, ensuring every individual has the support and resources needed to thrive in a world of limitless possibilities."